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The Douglas Yost Memorial Aerobatic Scholarship Grant is administered by Chapter 78 of the International Acrobatic Club. The Scholarship is named for Doug Yost, aspiring young career pilot who worked as a corporate pilot and was also an aerobatic pilot who was a rising star in aerobatic competition. Doug tragically lost his life in a motorcycle accident in 2002. The scholarship grant is awarded annually from an endowment established by his family in 2002. The scholarship fund also has continuing sponsorship from Link Snacks Inc.


The purpose of the scholarship is to promote aviation safety through aerobatics training. The recipient of this scholarship will receive a cash payment of $2,000, in the form of a check made payable to the aerobatic school where the recipient will be training. Training must be conducted at a facility approved by the Chapter 78 Scholarship committee and training must be completed within a 12 month period from receiving the grant. A list of approved facilities can be provided to the successful applicant.


The successful scholarship applicant must be well-rounded, involved in school and community activities as well as in aviation. The applicant’s academic record should demonstrate that they could successfully complete the educational portion of aerobatic training. Flight instructor comment reports or letters of recommendation must indicate that the successful applicant has the basic flying skills and potential to benefit from this type of training.


Qualifications: Applicants are preferred to be a certified flight instructor (CFI) or be receiving flight instruction with the intention of becoming a CFI. However, this is not a mandatory requirement. The applicant can be attending College or other post-secondary school or have recently completed College.The successful applicant will have demonstrated that he or she has the basic flying skills and potential to benefit from and to pass on lessons learned from this type of training.


The Scholarship is awarded annually. The application period opens on January 1 and closes on June 1. The scholarship committee will review the applications and announce the recipient at AirVenture (the recipient does not need to be present). The scholarship application is in Word format allowing the downloaded file to be used to complete the application and return via email. Download the .doc file per the link below and follow the instructions on page one of the application.


Please email your completed application, or any questions/concerns you may have, to the Scholarship Committee.


Download the Doug Yost Memorial Aerobatic Scholarship Application.


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