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Be Proud, Chapter 78!

I just got back from the fall IAC Board meeting today (anyone is welcomed to attend). I’m not going to steal the boards thunder, a report will be publish on the IAC web page soon on what was covered.

One thing that I want to echo from the board that might not be officially on the record is the spirit of the our chapter! We where called the “spark plug” of the IAC and that others are starting to follow our example!! The Chapter winning it’s third chapter trophy in a row, the spirit and attitude we showed others during Nationals, two of the top world advanced pilots and sending another member to worlds on the unlimited team, the enthusiasm of members volunteering at the National and Air Adventure to help with anything! Another great example is Brittany breathing new life into the Achievement Awards where Chapter 78 members had more members receive their awards during Nationals this year then any other chapter. Many other people thought that was great way to recognize members for their achievements. (If you didn’t make it to Nationals and haven’t received your award yet, let me know and we’ll get it fixed! I know someone). All of your efforts are being noticed and I want to thank you for helping me make Chapter 78 what it is today! So take pride in YOUR CHAPTER, it’s truly amazing!!

I don’t know about you, but I’m truly fired up for the up coming season and can’t wait to carry this on and make 2019 even better!! Has anyone been tinkering with a weather mod to make a northern winter warmer and fly able??

Blue skies, Justin Hickson

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